Since 2016

Discover Lyons Wildlife & Control

Lyons Wildlife & Control is a Certified Wildlife Control Company for the state of North Carolina and Virginia.


During a animal inspection, we thoroughly inspect your attic and provide a complete exterior home inspection. The most common signs of animal activity are gnaw marks, feces, rub marks, nesting material, runs in insulation material, and small entry points.

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Rodent Trapping

A Wildlife Control specialist will create a strategic trapping plan to remove the rodents found in your home. Wildlife Control specialists may use snap traps and live traps to capture and remove nuisance wildlife.

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The best way to reduce the possibility of letting unwanted animals into homes is to seal possible entrances. Exclusion methods include caulking cracks in foundations, capping chimneys, and installing mesh covers over vents and crawl space entrances. We also strongly recommend a maintenance service. Animals have front teeth that continuously grow, which means they can gnaw a new way back into your home.

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